With AI transforming the workday, it’s no surprise business owners eagerly anticipated the Microsoft Copilot release date. Since Copilot rolled out last fall, GCS has been inundated with questions: Is Microsoft Copilot safe to use? Can I trust Microsoft Copilot with...
In 2017, a cyberattack on one of the largest credit bureaus in the U.S., Equifax, resulted in the exposure of 146 million Americans’ sensitive information. The incident left the victims vulnerable to identity theft, fraud, and other financial crimes — risks that...
Forget the hacker stereotype. The #1 threat to your business isn’t a lone actor in a hoodie. It’s an entire team of them. They have staff, structures, and processes. They’re highly profitable — at your expense, of course. They cost companies like yours $20 billion in...
Threat actors have a new tactic — and it could raise the risk of phishing attacks at your company. The tactic? ZeroFont phishing. It enables malicious emails to slip past Microsoft Outlook’s email-scanning system while simultaneously fooling recipients that...
The enterprise cyber-threat landscape is expanding at alarming rates. Global attacks increased by 38% from 2021 to 2022. The global attack volume per organization also increased in 2022, reaching an all-time high of 1168 weekly attacks in Q4.[1] In this worrying...
In the fast-paced world of technology, it is crucial to remain alert to the constant emergence of cyber threats. With the recent introduction of new top-level domains (TLDs) by Google, users now face potential risks that can lead to malicious websites and phishing...